Thursday, September 18, 2008


I think it is Fucked up. You spend twelve years at school to be prepared. Prepared to work forty years so that you'll have a moderately nice twenty year retirement. I think it is just Assholien. you wast all those forty years, the years you are in the best condition of your life, and you have to save up all that money just so that you can get to retirement and say "You know, I didn't do everything I wanted to do in my life so far, I guess I'll have to try now." And of course you'll just kill yourself in trying to do so. When youre just out of college and you say you want to just go cross country and try to find that one thing you love they just scream " No! Your going to make something of your life by wasting it!"


Jamie said...

What's your alternative? Many people feel the same, until they realize that the work they do can be the best part of their life. What you create in the world becomes who you are. Those forty years can be enormously fulfilling if you find your vocation. As for retirement--it's not so much about saving for a good life you're too old to enjoy as it is about being able to eat and be self sufficient when you can no longer earn money.

Jamie said...

Also--if you want to do the 'see the world while I'm young' thing I will never tell you you're wasting your life. And, by the way, if you're worried about what people say then you aren't really tuned in to what your own heart is telling you. I mean, when you really must do something nothing anyone says makes a difference. If it does, maybe your heart isn't really in it.